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Welcome to the website of Monozukuri Consulting GmbH!

Our consultancy to companies in Germany and other European countries focuses on the holistic approach of the Toyota Production System (TPS), a knowledge-enriching, organic system based on the principle that human capabilities are central for the development of dynamic, high-quality and low-waste value creation.

Find out more about this under Concept and Philosophy.

How we do this in concrete terms is described under Content.



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We regularly organize master classes with Yagyu-Sensei, focussing on different subjects. For more information please contact:
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Recently the latest article in the series "QiP - Qualität im Prozess” [“QiP – quality in process”] by Claudia Romberg appeared in YOKOTEN magazine. The theme this time is “Qualität im Prozess und Frontloading: Der Prozessbegriff geht weit über die reine Produktion hinaus” [“Quality in process and frontloading: The process concept goes far beyond pure production”] You can read the whole article (in German) online at:

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Since 2016 when the first volume of the series „Lean auf gute Deutsch“ (Lean in plain German) appeared, te books of Mari Furukawa-Caspary belong to the most successful books on Lean in the German market. The books are available (in German) on Amazon as e-books.

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With the series „Toyotas Geheimrezepte für…“ (Toyota’s secret formulas for…) and thanks to the translation activities of Mari Furukawa-Caspary a series of books appeared that offer insights in ways of thinking and working principles of Toyota. The latest volume „Toyotas Geheimrezepte für die Problemlösung“ (Toyota’s secret formulas for problem solving) is a indispensable work for Lean practitioners.

Monozukuri Consulting GmbH
Bielefelder Str. 1
44652 Herne, Germany

Tel: +49-(0)2325-9524834
Fax: +49-(0)2325-9524835
Mobil: +49-(0)172-2403431

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